When The Going Gets Tough...

What. A. Summer.
So, as you have probably noticed, I haven’t posted in a while. You know that phrase when the going gets tough, keep on going? Well, the truth is I don’t always “keep on going”.
When I started this blog I was feeling refreshed, empowered, and fearless. I was so hopeful that I could use this to be a light and encourage others who were going through any type of invisible (or visible) battle to keep fighting.
But then the going got tough.
Shortly after my last blog post I got some news that left me feeling broken...again. My lab results from my Endo (short for Endocrinologist, for future reference) came back reporting antibodies for Celiacs Disease.
Now, before I continue assuming that you all know exactly what Celiacs is, let’s have a quick fact check.
*Celiacs Disease is an autoimmune disorder that damages the villi of the small intestine. It also interferes with nutrient absorption.
*Only about 1% of the population have this lovely disease and of that 1%, 83% are misdiagnosed or undiagnosed.
*On average, it takes a person 6-10 YEARS to be correctly diagnosed.
*There is no treatment or cure for Celiacs. (Am I lucky or what?!)
*The only existing treatment is a 100% gluten free diet.
Facts thanks to BeyondCeliac.org
Today, I had an endoscopy done to hopefully shed some light on the lab results. Based on the initial, naked eye view of my intestine, things are not looking great. However, I will thankfully have some concrete answers in about 10 days.
In the time that I have spent over the last month and a half worrying about what this will mean for me, I have found a new level of respect for all Celiacs out there. This stuff is no joke. GLUTEN IS EVERYWHERE. I mean really, even in chapstick(?!).
Despite everything, I have been able to find peace in prayer and research. Gluten is my B***** by April Peveteaux is a wonderful book that really breaks down what a Celiacs diagnosis means and sure made me feel better about all the pouting I’ve been doing. Reading stories of other people who share this common link has made all the difference in shifting my outlook. Don’t get me wrong, I am still worried, anxious, confused, and maybe even a little too blue about the possibility of cutting out chicken mini’s forever, but I am hopeful that soon I will be back to the empowered, strong, and fearless gal who started this blog.
It’s time to “keep on going”, so here I am...back to sharing with you all.
Thanks for reading and making sharing so easy.