Tegan McEntire

I'm Not "Me" Today

“There are days where I wake up and immediately know...I’m not “me” today. These mornings usually follow a night of high and low blood sugars, but sometimes they come unexpectedly.”

Tegan McEntire
I'm Not "Me" Today
Tegan McEntire

But, Diabetes.

“I should be focusing on my two exams tomorrow and three coming up next week. I should be getting my things together for that 6am wake up call that I will receive much earlier than I would like.

But, diabetes.”

Tegan McEntire
But, Diabetes.
Tegan McEntire

Another One Bites the Dust: My Celiacs Diagnosis Story

“As time has passed I can’t say that I don’t still find myself occasionally thinking these same thoughts and asking these same questions. However, I am slowly coming to terms with this new lifestyle that I have to live while also learning to accept myself again for all that I am and all that I am not.”

Tegan McEntire
Another One Bites the Dust: My Celiacs Diagnosis Story
Tegan McEntire

Packing with Type 1 Diabetes

“If you are capable (which you are!) of managing your condition at home, with a little extra planning, you will be capable of managing it away from home.”

Tegan McEntire
Packing with Type 1 Diabetes
Tegan McEntire

The Cost of My Life

“In fact, despite knowing that we are only burdening others around us occasionally, the financial burden of living with T1D is constant and can create a very harsh reality for many families. “

Tegan McEntire
The Cost of My Life
Tegan McEntire


“If they could only feel what I feel for 5 minutes, they would never ever say that to me or about me again…”

Tegan McEntire
Tegan McEntire

My Review of the Dexcom G6

It chilled me to see her sweet little face light up from her stroller, as she pointed to her CGM, while her mom told her that she “wasn’t alone”.

Tegan McEntire
My Review of the Dexcom G6
Tegan McEntire

When The Going Gets Tough...

When I started this blog I was feeling refreshed, empowered, and fearless. I was so hopeful that I could use this to be a light and encourage others who were going through any type of invisible (or visible) battle to keep fighting.

But then the going got tough.

Tegan McEntire
When The Going Gets Tough...

Hi, I'm High.

I urge you to be more understanding if someone is acting in a way that you don’t feel is appropriate. You do not always know what they are going through.

Hi, I'm High.
Tegan McEntire

Disney with Diabetes

“Life is composed of lights and shadows, and we would be untruthful, insincere, and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows. “ - Walt Disney

Tegan McEntire
Disney with Diabetes
Tegan McEntire

After the Retreat...

“The relationships that I formed this week will always and forever hold a special place in my heart. I feel empowered. I feel recharged. I feel passionate about advocating for diabetes. I feel whole.”

Tegan McEntire
After the Retreat...

DCP Forever

“Promise me we’ll always come back to that place, where we met and sheer magic filled our hearts, where we bounced all day out of pure joy and not even the rain could put a damper on our day.”

DCP Forever