The Beginning...

Welcome to my new favorite hobby, my blog.
If you know me at all or follow my social media, you are probably aware that I am a Type 1 Diabetic. I’ll be honest, I have not always been the best at managing my illness. I have struggled on and off ever since my diagnosis in 2007 to accept myself and the challenges that I face. I like to put on a brave face...don’t we all? If you ask me about my diabetes, I am probably going to give you a very shallow, half truth reply about how well I am doing. In reality, things haven’t always been the best.
Social media has done a number on me mentally.
I look through my feed at all my beautiful friends and the beautiful people around me and I am OVERWHELMED with everyone’s favorite feeling...envy. I see what looks like perfect people, living perfect, healthy lives, and I can’t help, but wish I were anyone except myself. BUT, is this what I show on my social media? Of course not. That’s the thing that I have learned about social media. We always put out what we think is our best self - or what we think will get the most “likes”. Pretty sad, huh? We are followed by people who love us and know the real us, yet for some reason, we want to convince everyone that we have the perfect life, body, things, relationships, etc. Well, for me, I became so obsessed with image that I started to lose sight of what is real.
After a lot of denial, years to be exact (to be discussed more in a later post), I have finally found myself on a journey of self love and acceptance. I have decided after allowing social media to negatively affect me, that I am going to use social media to positively affect me for once. And so, Not Everyone’s Type was born. I have decided to share with you all my struggles and what really goes on behind closed doors with Type 1, as opposed to hiding it and feeling shameful. These are the cards I have been given and I would say it’s time I learn to manage them instead of allowing them to manage me.
Why “Not Everyone’s Type”?
I actually got the title for this blog from my Aunt, Heather. We were trying to come up with a good play on words to tie in Type 1 Diabetes and this was her first suggestion. One of the hardest things for me is to accept that I can not always be everyone’s “cup of tea”. I WANT to be everyone’s cup of tea...but hey, that’s not life. Therefore, this name worked perfectly. Learning to love yourself is a lot easier once you accept that you simply cannot be “Everyone’s Type”.
I am BEYOND excited to start this journey. I hope that with this I am able to be more accepting, transparent, and aware. If I only reach one person with this, and that one person is a little girl who is struggling to accept herself because of something she can’t control, then I will have accomplished everything I ever imagined that this blog would do.
Cheers to loving ourselves, no more hiding, and Not Everyone’s Type.
"Be scared and do it anyway."